#10 - Wet Wipes in a Sixteen Wheeler

  • Play:
  • Song Name: #10 - Wet Wipes in a Sixteen Wheeler
  • Artist: Dead Down the Drain
  • Year: 2017

This week John and Dr. Wilson (Guru in the City) discuss the following topics:

Whatever happened to the one liner?
Weirdness at the Truck Stop
Potty Training in the Workplace
What is the Next Step of Man's Evolution?
What is the Opposite of the Mile High Club?

We also take Skype calls from the audience, please get in touch at deaddownthedrain@outlook.com

Want to help us out? If you feel like you want to be our sugar daddy (or mommy) paypal us a quid or two at the address above.

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Twitter @ddownthedrain
Facebook www.facebook.com/deaddownthedrain